Why and How to stay POSITIVE

Suraj Jeswara
4 min readSep 9, 2022

The art of staying positive is challenging but necessary. We are easily influenced by negative emotions, thoughts, and actions while inducing positivity is difficult.

Our minds are supposed to be neutral most of the time, the state that Sadhus and Saints attend. But most of us cultivate negativity. We see negative; we think negative; we feel negative; we eat negative, and hence we act negative. Our beliefs have become negative. This negativity brings more negativity into our lives, and the cycle continues.

There is a concept of attraction wherein it has been specified that we don’t attract to us what we want, but we attract to us what we are. To exemplify, suppose you want to become a manager in your company by wishing and hoping you can’t become one. You must first act the way you would if you were a manager. So if you want success in life, behave as you would if you are successful. If you want love in life, behave as you would if you already have the love you desire.

It is essential to think positive, be positive, and act positive. However, It is easier said than done. Based on my personal experience, I was in isolation for 1.5 months, when I only answered important calls, and most of my time was either spent consuming materials from books and podcasts or meditating. That was when I started taking a positive approach towards life and cultivating positivity despite the fact that I was going through one of the lowest phases of my life — Soo low a phase that I even contemplated ending my life.

I feel it is essential to convey why and how I could shift my negative thoughts to positive ones, as I know millions of others are currently feeling the same, and I believe this blog will reach you at the right time.

Here are a few things I did, and you too can do to stay positive or keep negativity aloof.


I used to meditate twice a day for 30 minutes each. People will suggest their ways of meditation, but what I followed was to focus on a single thought. So, maybe you can think about some trip you long to go and focus on that thought, not letting your mind linger on other thoughts.

Express gratitude

Every day as I wake up, I express gratitude for things I have :- my parents; for the clothes I wore; for the job I do; for the friends I have, etc.

Avoid negative thoughts

We get many negative thoughts in a day, many of which are related to self-sabotage. So, whenever you have one, replace it with some positive thoughts. To exemplify, whenever my girlfriend and I have arguments, and she utters some disrespectful remarks in a fit of rage. I don’t think of those remarks after the conversation, but instead, whenever those remarks start to buzz in my mind, I replace them with the memories of those uncountable times when she confessed her love for me.

Positive affirmations about yourself

Self-love is essential. I had this tendency to undermine myself, and I’m sure many of you have it too. Love yourself. As you wake up every day go and stand Infront of a mirror and say, “I’m Awesome”. In the same way, Barney often does.

Exercise regularly

A strong body also results in a strong mind. Go to the Gym or go running. Once you feel good physically, you will feel positive too. Also, dopamine is released after a workout which makes you feel good.

Be careful what you eat

I left smoking and only drank occasionally. I became nitpicking with what I ate outside. I avoided junk and unhealthy food. As a result, my digestive system improved, and there was no acidity and heartburn. Eating right made me optimistic.

Writing journals

As we go through the day, things are happening to us that bring negative thoughts which can not be shooed away. For them, I have a remedy. I vent them out by writing them in my journal. I used to write something which has made me feel low and also about some joyous moments that I wanted to keep limited to myself.

As I continued following the schedule for myself, I felt improvements in myself. But as I shifted back to the city, it became difficult to maintain the regime I was following. Here I could also feel the influence of work and people, which has been unavoidable. Negativity seemed to percolate as I tried to stick to my regime. Yes, It’s easier said than done, I realized when I was back in the city to my normal life. I skip a few of my meals or miss going to Gym or meditating twice a day, but I keep myself positive, and it has helped me in both my personal and professional life. If not positive, at least try that you don’t cultivate negative thoughts too.

A school of thought will argue what will happen by thinking positively and being optimistic. Despite being positive, if something wrong happens with you, you will be more disappointed, shattered, and devastated. Actually, it is not about the disappointment it is about what your response is after it. 90% of your life is not what happens to us but how you react to it. And when you respond positively, it is more likely to get positive results.

See you soon with a new blog. Till then, so read my other blogs and clap for this one.

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Suraj Jeswara

I am passionate about learning new things and sharing it with others. :)