If you love someone let them go?

Suraj Jeswara
3 min readAug 21, 2022

I wrote a blog with similar title in Oct, 2020. Its 2 years now and I would like to contradict my own writing now.😅 If you haven't read it I would first like you to give it a read here.

As a summary of my previous writing I was adamant with the fact that if you love someone don’t let them go and try every possible way to hold them back. I did the same and now as I have matured over the years I understand that it never helps. Yes, its difficult to admit my own mistake but I acknowledge that I was wrong. As I understood love more and more I realized that Time, Space and Freedom are the greatest gift of Love.

Love is not complex but we humans are. We are driven by our Feelings and what leads to this Feelings? Our Thoughts which intern are result of our Believes.

Our believes are developed over the years. Some of them are shaped by our environment, some are genetic and some are result of our upbringing. In a way every human being is a composure of unique set of believes, which effect them in their day to day activities and so it effects our ability to Love. To exemplify, if you are fired from every job you did, you will always be afraid in any new work you pursue. Likewise, if your trust is broken in every relationship you will have trust issues in even a new promising relationship as well. So its not the person who is asking for a break to be blamed its the believes he/she has. Its not easy to fix your believes. You can't clean up a pile that took years to develop in a day or month. It takes time! Sometimes the person even doesn’t knows what believes has led to what thought, and then to what feeling, which finally resulted in them asking for a break up. Sometime we are even not ready to accept our flawed belives. We shall not over react in these situations but instead sit and talk, trying to find and fix those believes. Remember no one develops a believe of their own. A child ignored, mistreated or abused in his younger days will unknowingly grow up to be person trying to win approval of people or having shaky confidence. First seek to understand and then to be understood. Though It takes time, patience and persistence to listen to someone and help them shape it but if you love someone its worth doing it. Otherwise give them Time, Space and Freedom to figure out of their own.

While you give time, space and freedom to your partner and let them go, allowing time to think and feel your absence. Remember to love yourself meanwhile. Because until you can love yourself unconditionally how can someone else do. 😊

So if you truly love someone let them go for they shall get the Time, Space and Freedom to introspect and retrospect. The universe always has your back and if you truly loved them stay positive you will be back together again.

I'm glad that an Awesome woman made me realize this. So this blog is for those who don't have any such awesome woman in their life. 😅

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In the era of Tinder and Bumble some people still believe in love that transcends space and time



Suraj Jeswara

I am passionate about learning new things and sharing it with others. :)